japan Alternative Photography pigment gumprint

The Dakota Building is adjacent to Strawberry Fields


ヒロ・コーポレーション 電気ケトル 1.0L コンパクト ピンク KTK-300-P

ヒロ・コーポレーション 電気ケトル 1.0L コンパクト ピンク KTK-300-P


Modern pictures are completed with digital data on the computer.One-ness
Classical technique photography consists of an amalog camera, film, and finally on paper

#-U-73 https://youtu.be/oOdMxD-FEU4
#-T-72 https://youtu.be/GVWBfx2YGD0
#-S-71 https://youtu.be/oTPfNI-l67A
#-Q-70 https://youtu.be/BBBGgvBLmJs
#-R-69 https://youtu.be/KW2O3Cfyol4
#-P-68 https://youtu.be/bY5YVPRGazc
#-O-67 https://youtu.be/OnTjWZXvTDE

#-SP-05 https://youtu.be/BtvVfGKkTo4
#-SP-03 https://youtu.be/koQcrbNqToM
#-SP-02 https://youtu.be/md3qJwx7kmY
bit coins.One-ness  ZAIF


bitcoin: 3Qn2y4wtRLUmAEWJMppF6DiSFjqzQLuym9


Thus, the effect is determined, and in digital it is an impossible finish.

#-H-60 https://youtu.be/PJPd1RtTmW8
#-I-61 https://youtu.be/Seosoff1Ws8
#-J-62 https://youtu.be/4aIf2IjCoVg
#-K-63 https://youtu.be/jxb2VsjUUe0
#-L-64 https://youtu.be/u9B68DaO3-I
#-M-65 https://youtu.be/eOjXmIggAZI
#-N-66 https://youtu.be/t8vkXkG44ok

Pigment photography production is surprisingly . However, as there are many variable elements, like the normal picture, you can not always make the same thing. That's where the interest is divided. This is a photo illustration to the last. It is not computer graphics either. The ultimate goal is the original

vintage print.

#Printing by super classical technique in 1984
Use the space behind ordinary photographic


japan Alternative Photography pigment gumprint
# This, analog pigment print method, #pigment
#photo #print #handmade #art #dot #scratch

Apply a transparent photographic
photosensitizer here.
Overlay negative films and expose them to
Develop with tap water.
A transparent image is formed.
Partly color it with dye ink so that the image
is visible.

#Special color + photographic photosensitizer

#a transparent photographic photosensitizer
     # Color pearl 18 colors
     #Pearl 6 colors
     #Metallic 9 colors
     #Lame color 13 colors

#Painting materials other than paper, wood,
cloth, metal, plastics, etc. Can be used for
various materials

#Even if it dissolves in water, the opacity
tone does not change, and it will exhibit water
resistance when dried. Use acrylic resin to fix
pigment in paint


#Titanium White, Lemon Yellow, Yellow Oak,
Vermillion, Crimson, Virijan, Fukasu Green,
Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Siena,
Lower Amber, Lamp Black, Medium Yellow, Fresh
Tint, Orange, Scarlet, Phthalocyanine, Cerulean
Blue, Eme Lared green, dark green, violet, low
shiena, burnt amber, gray