japan Alternative Photography pigment gumprint

The Dakota Building is adjacent to Strawberry Fields



# To negative film, but you need a dark room ...# On a PC, it is possible that the negative film, made with ink-jet printing output.# Thus, no longer cumbersome darkroom work,# All, you can work in a bright room.Since # pigmented photosens…


For my printing technique The material of silk printing is being used for my printing technique. Material is waterproof paper, a sensitization agent, acetic acid vinyl, Y.M.C.K. pigments, etc. With an ultraviolet ray exposure machine, abou…

Make it with black and white negative film.

# Image, Once you have, turn off the water, and then dried, voila.# This step, performed several times, to adjust the image quality, finish. # To negative film, but you need a dark room ...# On a PC, it is possible that the negative film, …

#popchrome # ScreenPrint

【正規品】 ERNIE BALL 3223 ギター弦 (09-42) SUPER SLINKY 3Set Pack 出版社/メーカー: ERNIE BALL メディア: エレクトロニクス この商品を含むブログを見る