japan Alternative Photography pigment gumprint

The Dakota Building is adjacent to Strawberry Fields


Make it with black and white negative film.

For my printing technique The material of silk printing is being used for my printing technique. Material is waterproof paper, a sensitization agent, acetic acid vinyl, Y.M.C.K. pigments, etc. With an ultraviolet ray exposure machine, abou…


A flat and smooth thing. B. sensitization agent .. It is an object for silk printing. C. Acetic acid vinyl .. They are water-soluble adhesives. D. YMCK paints .... They are the pigments for pictures. E. Ultraviolet ray exposure machine .. …


大塚食品 マイサイズ バターチキンカレー 【中辛】 120g×10個 出版社/メーカー: 大塚食品 メディア: 食品&飲料 この商品を含むブログを見る E. Ultraviolet ray exposure machine .. Ultraviolet ray light is set in the box. F. Film .... A longtone film…


明治 銀座カリー 25周年 特別限定品 210g×5個 出版社/メーカー: 明治 発売日: 2019/02/11 メディア: 食品&飲料 この商品を含むブログを見る 新宿中村屋 特撰ビーフシチュー 8箱セット