japan Alternative Photography pigment gumprint

The Dakota Building is adjacent to Strawberry Fields


#popchrome # ScreenPrint  #Volcano Japan

ボローニャ 缶deボローニャ6缶セット However, with the new concept: At the time of production, it will be stored digitally, and digital pigment print output will make it difficult to fade. ################### トラフィック…

#popchrome # ScreenPrint #TAROT

アーキオン・タロット メディア: おもちゃ&ホビー with the exposure time changed Shooting is 35 mm many, but it does not become a big work as it is. So, you will make an enlarged negative film www ################ トラフィッ…

#popchrome # ScreenPrint #TAROT

Fire HD 10 タブレット (10インチHDディスプレイ) 32GB - Alexa搭載 発売日: 2017/10/11 メディア: エレクトロニクス #All these handmade photographs were made before 1992. It is not a commercially available photographic paper. Of course, it is no…