japan Alternative Photography pigment gumprint

The Dakota Building is adjacent to Strawberry Fields



【Amazon.co.jp限定】タオル研究所 [ボリュームリッチ] #003 バスタオル スモーキーブルー 4枚セット ふかふか ホテル仕様 高速吸水 耐久性 人気 [毛羽レス] 【選べる5色】 Japan Technology # Shooting with color reversal film. From the film, create a …


アイリスオーヤマ 炭酸水 富士山の強炭酸水 500ml ×24本 # Shooting with color reversal film. From the film, create a magnifying negative. Mixture of pigment and photosensitizer on printing paper, plastic paper, Roughly spray. After drying, ov…