japan Alternative Photography pigment gumprint

The Dakota Building is adjacent to Strawberry Fields



純 ココアパウダー PREMIUM 500g オランダ産 無添加・無香料・砂糖不使用 カカオ豆100% [05] NICHIGA(ニチガ) NICHIGA(ニチガ) Amazon # Shooting with color reversal film. From the film, create a magnifying negative. Mixture of pigment and photosen…


【強炭酸】コカ・コーラ アイシー・スパーク from カナダドライ レモン ラベルレス 430mlPET ×24本 カナダドライ(CANADA DRY) Amazon # Shooting with color reversal film. From the film, create a magnifying negative. Mixture of pigment and photosens…


メルローズ アーモンドバター melrose Amazon Make photographic paper of color photos with plain paper. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Did the Pentagon's UAP-approved, alien search make sense? In other words, aliens do not come to the earth, are they onl…


[Barzaz(バルザス)] コインネックレス 18k レディース 18金 イエローゴールド K18 スリム 薄い 硬貨 Barzaz Amazon After drying, overlay the magnifying negative and use the UV exposure machine, Burn. Then wipe with tap water, sponge, etc. An im…


製薬会社のスルフォラファン 30日分太陽堂製薬 太陽堂製薬 Amazon In the 1980's, Illustration that I drawn like a photo print, with an air brush was a boom. In those days, on the contrary, thinking that buying can be done by photographs in the…