japan Alternative Photography pigment gumprint

The Dakota Building is adjacent to Strawberry Fields



【栄養機能食品】ヘルスマネージ 大正カルシウム&コラーゲンMBP 〔カルシウム マグネシウム MBP〕 150粒 大正製薬 ヘルスマネージ Amazon ‘ ### it will be bright indoor work. ‘ # This, analog pigment print method, #pigment #photo #print #handmade …


私が見た未来 完全版 作者:たつき諒 飛鳥新社 Amazon Mixture of pigment and photosensitizer on printing paper, plastic paper, Roughly spray. After drying, overlay the magnifying negative and use the UV exposure machine, Burn. Then wipe with t…


時空を操るマジシャンたち 超能力と魔術の世界はひとつなのか 作者:保江邦夫,響 仁,Birdie(バーディー) 明窓出版 Amazon Searching for classical photographic techniques ... There are quite a few people in Japan, and there are quite a few foreign…