japan Alternative Photography pigment gumprint

The Dakota Building is adjacent to Strawberry Fields


Burn. Then wipe with tap water, sponge, etc. An image appears. It is dry and one step is completed. Repeat this process, replacing the pigment with C ・ M ・ Y ・ B. For this print, I used C, M, Y photosensitizers. ?
こてんぐ 長期保存おでん缶 牛すじ大根入り 5年保存 おでん缶 賞味期限:2024年10月 コンビニ受取可 [605] (防災備蓄の倉庫番 災害対策本舗)??
レスキューフーズ 1食ボックス 中華丼 防災用品 非常食 備蓄保存食? Searching for classical photographic techniques ... There are quite a few people in Japan, and there are quite a few foreign countries in Japan. Ww Japan, which comes out with video, has no tradition of making photo prints.