japan Alternative Photography pigment gumprint

The Dakota Building is adjacent to Strawberry Fields

#popchrome # ScreenPrint #Camera

ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー sunprintphoto-02.jpg Even if the camera becomes digital, analog print, Some writers make it. There are various methods, but after the shooting data is processed to a negative or positive image on a PC and output to a transparent dedicated sheet, This is a photo paper with a photosensitizing agent It is completed by the process of development after exposure with sunlight or UV exposure machine. ###################### ################

無料アクセスアップ オレンジトラフィック

Wallet Address
#pigment #photo #print #handmade #art #dot #vintage

################ This work was made around the late 1992 of the classic photo series. Until then, due to the nature of light-sensitive emulsions, it was finally possible to reproduce the middle tone with a new method. ################## Spardar 浄水器 蛇口直結型 アップグレード版 節水濾過 珪藻セラミックカートリッジ キッチン 小型 家庭用 切り替え 簡単取り付け 濾過蛇口 水フィルター 細菌/塩素/水あかなど除去 セラミックフィルター 洗浄可能 5層濾過 カートリッジ交換可能 日本語取扱説明書付き (08交換用カートリッジ(2個入れ))
イメージ (4)