japan Alternative Photography pigment gumprint

The Dakota Building is adjacent to Strawberry Fields

popchrome #jazzchrome=gold time #Dog&Cat

有機 ヘンプパウダー 麻の実 180g

有機 ヘンプパウダー 麻の実 180g

  • メディア: 食品&飲料

img_0_m (9) サントリー ビストロボス 玉ねぎとビーフの旨み、スパイシーコンソメスープ 185g缶×30本入 The greatest feature of this classic technique is the final, printing process, by hand, doing www Sensitivity of photosensitive ink, color taste, thickness of coating, unevenness required condition ... #Analog Inkjet Photo PigmentChromePrint #old-sunprint #popchrome #jazzchrome #JazzPigmentChrome
Make photographic paper of color photos with plain paper.
2ADSEN.jpg img002.jpg


アクセスアップ オレンジトラフィック

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#pigment #photo #print #handmade #art #dot #vintage $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Thank you for {Like}. This photo is like a “coloring page”, printed from a single negative film on a multicolor photo. Apply 4 or more pigment sensitizers on paper and repeat baking and development to complete.