japan Alternative Photography pigment gumprint

The Dakota Building is adjacent to Strawberry Fields

#popchrome # ScreenPrintSKY #SKY

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[ in which the film acquisition for dark&whiteroom tool gude photography is possible ], 4X5 inch film, 35mm camera enlarger 35mm film to 10X12 inch film - 4X5 inch films - a sensitization agent -- proper quantity mix making. A thin wire is rolled and made to the RODS-stick (handmade) pipe for an application. Three ultraviolet ray fluorescent lights are arranged in an ultraviolet ray exposure machine (handmade) wooden box. Time measurement equipment, others. #####################################################3 Mixing pigments into emulsions used in classic photography ... To mix well, add a little liquid detergent ... mix well. Furthermore, since the pigment is less likely to be stained on the paper to be printed, there is an advantage that the development process can be shortened.


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The Grand Tour: The Golden Age of Travel / Das Goldene Zeitalter Des Reisens / L'Age D'Or Du Voyage (Xl)