japan Alternative Photography pigment gumprint

The Dakota Building is adjacent to Strawberry Fields


ff-077.png IMG_20220909_221859.jpg uap_5_m (7) UAP0011.png qqq003.jpg # ################

#All these handmade photographs were made before 1992. It is not a commercially available photographic paper. Of course, it is not a computer graphic. It is completely analog handmade photographic paper. Vintage color print ... reference price ・ ・ $ 100,000

NOMALimg001.jpg 2ADSEN.jpg
#### ##Quiet supersonic aircraft * Photographed experimental aircraft in Europe ///////////////////////////////////////////////// FullBlog https://cafemoon.hatenablog.com/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ********************************************** "Experiment" ... Real UAP image, {UFO, UA SNS of groups and individuals who saw P, research, etc.} Stick it on and see the reaction. Progress to the present …… Almost no reaction www Is it so brainwashed by the media? ********************************************** Image usage fee US $ 1000000 Amazon Gift Code ********************************************* UAP is always wrapped in force field, so it is difficult to shoot w Even with the US Navy Top Gun, even if you say "I see it almost every day", when I look at the image, there is a lot of out-of-focus w At the angle of the sun , The moment the main body was miraculously seen through, I was able to shoot ww Did the Pentagon's UAP-approved, alien search make sense? In other words, aliens do not come to the earth, are they only monitoring with UAP probes? ///////////////////////////////////////////////// FullBlog https://cafemoon.hatenablog.com/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////// UFO Sighting in Roses, Girona (Spain)1995/3 film by KodaChrome 200 ‘ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ #pigment #photo #print #handmade #art #dot #vintage #pigment #photo #print #handmade #art #dot #vintag $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Thank you for {Like}. This photo is like a “coloring page”, printed from a single negative film on a multicolor photo. Apply 4 or more pigment sensitizers on paper and repeat baking and development to complete. ########## I thought about a method of fixing it. www## Bluetooth 骨伝導イヤホン 高音質 防水 ランニング トレーニング サイクリング 耳を塞がない 耳掛け式 ワイヤレスイヤホン AAC CVC8.0ノイズキャンセリング マイク内蔵 ハンズフリー通話 リモート会議 テレワーク バッテリー大容量 自動ペアリング 無線 瞬間接続 ブルートゥース イヤホン 超軽量 簡単操作 Type‐C急速充電 Siri対応 快適装着感 在宅/勤務/ウォーキング/スポーツ 日本語取り扱い説明書 ios/Android 適用 (黒)